Java Like For Loop
for (init_stmt; exit_condition; increment_stmt) { code_block }

//The same previous example using For Loop //initializing the custom object records list to store the Invoice Records List<apex_invoice__c> PaidInvoiceNumberList = new List<apex_invoice__c>(); PaidInvoiceNumberList = [SELECT Id,Name, APEX_Status__c FROM APEX_Invoice__c WHERE CreatedDate = today];//this is SOQL query which will fetch the invoice records which has been created today List<string> InvoiceNumberList = new List<string>();//List to store the Invoice Number of Paid invoices for (Integer i = 0; i < paidinvoicenumberlist.size(); i++) { //this loop will iterate on the List PaidInvoiceNumberList and will process the each record. It will get the List Size and will iterate the loop for number of times that size. For example, list size is 10. if (PaidInvoiceNumberList[i].APEX_Status__c == 'Paid') {//Condition to check the current record in context values System.debug('Value of Current Record on which Loop is iterating is '+PaidInvoiceNumberList[i]);//current record on which loop is iterating InvoiceNumberList.add(PaidInvoiceNumberList[i].Name);//if Status value is paid then it will the invoice number into List of String } } System.debug('Value of InvoiceNumberList '+InvoiceNumberList);
1、执行循环的init_stmt组件。 注意,可以在此语句中声明和/或初始化多个变量。
1、执行循环的init_stmt组件。 注意,可以在此语句中声明和/或初始化多个变量。
2、执行exit_condition检查。 如果为true,循环继续。 如果为false,则循环退出。
3、执行code_block。 我们的代码块是打印数字。
3、执行code_block。 我们的代码块是打印数字。
4、执行increment_stmt语句。 它将每次增加。
作为另一个示例,以下代码将数字1-100输出到调试日志中。 注意,还包括一个附加的初始化变量j,语法:
//this will print the numbers from 1 to 100} for (Integer i = 0, j = 0; i < 100; i++) { System.debug(i+1) };
1、我们不能在迭代它时修改集合。 假设你正在遍历列表“ListOfInvoices”,然后在迭代时不能修改同一列表中的元素。